Thursday, May 19, 2011


1988: Choose a distinguished novel or play in which some of the most significant events are mental or psychological, for example, awakenings, discoveries, changes in consciousness. In a well-organized essay, describe how the author manages to give these internal events a sense of excitement, suspense, and climax usually associated with external action. Do not merely summarized the plot.
A haggard man travels on a solitary, dirt road. The lines  on his face shows the telling signs of his haunting past and his mouth curves in a stubborn line of thought. His eyes have a deep meaning to them as though he is searching for his inner self. A man on a path to self discovery. Inman, in Frazier’s novel, Cold Mountain, is on a journey to discover his inner spirituality, his love for Ada , and to escape is haunting memories of war. Ada’s character also matures with her newly found self. The author uses Inman’s heroic journey back to Ada as a chance for  protagonist to discover himself and recover from his past. Charles Frazier parallels Inman’s self discovery by having the female protagonist Ada discover new abilities in her self.
At the beginning of the novel, the reader gets the sense of loss and helplessness from Inman. He is in a Virginia hospital reflecting on his freer childhood self along with the haunting memories of war. The reader first realizes Inman’s urge for self discovery when he revisits a memory of his spirtual discussion with a Cherokee Indian. He later deserts the army and his path to ascertain his inner self and to reach his beloved Ada. The author uses the struggles to bring in exciting events, such has Pastor Veasey trying to murder his pregnant lover. This event in the novel climaxes Inman’s search for spirtuality. By preventing this “Godly” man from committing such a heinous act, he realizes his soul is strong. Later on in the novel, Inman is reunited with Ada and his last step to self discovery is completed. In her presence, he realizes that his past, his sins, don’t matter because he will be a better man.
To parallel that, Ada also discovers her newly found self. In the beginning of the novel, she is lonely with the recent death of her father and lack of Inman’s presense. She pushes herself into her readings and self reflection. Her maturing character is goes in the opposite that Inman’s goes. A companion of hers, Ruby, stops Ada from hiding behind behind her self reflection and books. She helps her realize that her fragility isn’t her. Throughout the book, Ada discovers she can be a well-rounded woman and take care of herself. The author uses this newly found tough female protaganist to add exciting elements to the story as well. Deserters are killed by the Home Guard and Ada stands up to the tyrants of the book, and buries the bodies. This reflects her tougher and more independent character change.
The author uses Ada’s and Inman’s awakenings and maturing to provide a deeper meaning to his novel, along with a way to add suspense and excitement to his novel.

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